Information for Staff and Students - Content Filter
Securly content filters through our Jerome Google Account
In order to to use our Internal Network, any user on any device must be logged in to their Google Account through Jerome School District.
You must be connected either wired, or on JSDDevices, or JSDStudent.
Devices Needing a Certificate
All Chromebooks and Windows Domain computers/laptops have had an Internet SSL Certificate pushed to them. This allows your device to automatically trust Securly.
If you are using any other type of device, including personal devices, they must have a certificate installed on them in order to use our internal network.
Testing to see if you have the certificate on your device, along with instructions can be found here:
Not sure if you're logged in correctly?
Go to and make sure that it detects that you have the certificate installed on your device (See above).
Make sure you are either wired in to the network, or connected to JSDDevices or JSDStudent wifi.
Go to (it's safe, and owned by Securly. It will ALWAYS be blocked.
If it tells you to click to login, do that, and log in with your JSD Google Account.
If it prompts you to ask for permission, then you are currently logged in to the content filter correctly.
Help! We're Sill Being Blocked!!!
What do I do if something needs changed? Fortunately, we have a procedure in place for content filter changes. If you need something changed on the content filter, please do the following:
Email 2 people: The Curriculum Director, Ryan Evans, and your Building Principal.
Include the actual URL or Domain you want blocked or unblocked.
Explain who you want it changed for (Staff, Students, Guests)
Explain the Instructional Purpose behind blocking/unblocking the site.
Once your building principal AND the Curriculum Director have let me know they want it changed, we will try to do so as quickly as possible.