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Red Ribbon Week

Next week is Red Ribbon Week! This year we are focusing on the healthy habits that help us steer clear of drugs.

Dress-Up Days:

Monday: Pajama Day - It’s easier to steer clear of drugs if you’re taking good care of yourself. Wear your school appropriate cozy pajamas and create chalk art of your self-care ideas and healthy habits during lunch.

Tuesday: Team up against drugs - Wear your work out clothes and/or your favorite jersey. Join us for a game of kick ball at lunch.

Wednesday: Futures, Friends and Finding yourself. Wear swag from your favorite college. Teachers and staff will join you for lunch to share about their college experiences.

Thursday: Superhero Day Superheros aren’t afraid to be kind to everyone, even people they don’t know. Make new friends outside at lunch through a scavenger hunt. Those who finish get a candy!

Friday: Scare Away Drugs! Wear your school appropriate Halloween costumes! Dance to follow after school.

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Jerome, Idaho 83338

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