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Golden Leaves

PowerSchool Data Security Breach

Updated: 2 days ago

Dear Parents, Staff, and Members of the Jerome School District Community,

We are writing to provide you with important information regarding a national cybersecurity incident involving PowerSchool, our student information system vendor.

Cybersecurity Incident

Recently the Jerome School District was informed by PowerSchool that they experienced a data breach during the winter break. They are investigating and continuing to provide us information and updates. This breach may have involved unauthorized access including some of our student and staff data. Since we self host our data we believe the intrusion was minimal to non-existent. We are performing a forensic audit to verify the exact scope within the next week and will keep you updated. 

What Information Was Potentially Affected?

The investigation is ongoing, but the following types of information may have been involved for students and staff: Student Demographic Information- Names, Dates of Birth, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers. The Jerome School District does not enter Social Security information into PowerSchool so it is not a part of this breach. 

What We Are Doing

We understand this news is concerning, and we are taking this matter very seriously. We are working with PowerSchool and cybersecurity experts to investigate the incident's full scope and impact, providing transparent updates to our community, and PowerSchool is preparing support and resources for potentially impacted school districts, students and families.

We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. Please contact us at if you have additional questions or concerns. We appreciate your patience and understanding. We are committed to transparency and working diligently to protect the information of our students and staff.


Brent Johnson


Jerome School District


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