Dear Parents, Staff, and Members of the Jerome School District Community,

We are writing to provide you with important information regarding a national cybersecurity incident involving PowerSchool, our student information system vendor.
See their site for more information: PowerSchool SIS-Incident
Cybersecurity Incident
Recently the Jerome School District was informed by PowerSchool that they experienced a data breach in December 2024. They have investigated and continue to provide us information and updates. This breach involved unauthorized access to our student and staff data. PowerSchool has reported that all current and previous JSD student and staff data was accessed.
What Information Was Potentially Affected?
The following types of information may have been involved for students and staff: Student Demographic Information - Names, Dates of Birth, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers. Since the Jerome School District does not normally enter Social Security information into PowerSchool, there are less than 0.12% of users that did have that information in PowerSchool.
What should You do Now?
PowerSchool is preparing support and resources for impacted school districts, students and families. PowerSchool will reach out to all affected users, and will provide Identity Protection & Credit Monitoring Services for 2 years.
We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available. Please contact us at if you have additional questions or concerns. We appreciate your patience and understanding. We are committed to transparency and working diligently to protect the information of our students and staff.