Upcoming Events:
JMS Lion King Performance 2nd-5th Grade
Tuesday, March 11th
Homework Diner 5:30-7:30PM
Tuesday, March 11th
End of 3rd Q- No School
Friday, March 14th
Parent Teacher Conference
Friday, March 14th,17th, 18th, 19th
Spring Book Fair
Monday, March 17th- 20th
3rd Grade Visit Herritt Center
Tuesday, March 18th
Teacher Work Day- No School
Friday, March 21st
Spring Break
Monday, March 24th- Friday March 28th
We know Idaho weather changes throughout the day during this time of the year. Please be sure to send your student(s) to school in appropriate attire for the day's weather. There is a lot of mud, so please have the students have extra clothes in thier backpacks incase they get muddy.
Please come in and check Lost & Found if your student comes home without their things.

Tuesday, March 11th - JMS Lion King Performance 2nd-5th Grade
Jerome Middle School will be performing for 2nd-5th Grade.

Tuesday, March 11th - Homework Diner 5:30-7:30PM
Any Jerome School District family is invited for a free meal and help
with any school work-related questions. We will have elementary
and secondary teachers there to help.
Free meals for the family and help with homework or school questions.

Friday, March 14th - End of 3rd Q
No School

Friday, March 14th,17th, 18th, 19th - Parent Teacher Conference
Click on Link below to reserve your time.

Monday, March 17th- 20th - Spring Book Fair
25% of proceeds go to our library
Over 6,000 Titles available
Pre-K to High School Titles Available
Variety of Spanish Titles

Tuesday, March 18th - 3rd Grade Visit Herritt Center
Kids will be visiting the Museum of anthropology, natural history, astronomy and art.

Friday, March 21st - Teacher Work Day
No School

Monday, March 24th- Friday March 28th - Spring Break
Enjoy Spring Break and we will see everyone
back on MARCH 31st.