March 20, 2025
8th grade football players: the high school is having spring workouts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after school. They will be from 3;35-4:30 in the high school weight room. They would love to have 8th grade football players join them when they can!
Attention, gamers!! JMS Game Club will meet three times in the month of April. We will meet on April 2nd, April 16th and April 30th from 3:10-4:10.
Dance tryouts for next year will be April 30, May 1 and May 2 right after school. Flyers will be available in the office for those interested.
The Scholastic Book Fair is returning to JMS! Our fair will be held in the library from March 13-March 20. If you would like to set up an eWallet so you can purchase items from the fair without needing cash, or if you would like to shop online, please go to this website (You can only shop online between March 13-20) If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Davenport in the library.
Yearbook list-- there is a list posted outside the office door of all students who have purchased a yearbook. Please check the list to make sure your name is on it. If it is not and you think you have purchased one, please see Mrs. Powell
Remember if you are tardy, your parent must either send a note, an email, or call THE SAME DAY to excuse your tardy. Otherwise your tardy will result in tardy detention the following day.
All students should have received a new lanyard and we will NO LONGER BE LOANING OUT LANYARDS! Students must bring their lanyard every day. Students who do not have a lanyard will need to do the following: Call home to have it brought in, buy a new one for $2.00 or spend the day in the D-room or PAWS.
JMS is excited to announce our next attendance incentive!!! Anyone who has perfect attendance for this semester will get to go bowling with Mrs. Ferreira on May 16th DURING SCHOOL!!!
There will be NO MORE SCHEDULE CHANGES this semester.....please do not ask!!!
PARENT REMINDER--PLEASE be sure to bring your Drivers License when you are coming to pick up your student. We need to run them through our system before pickup.
Parents: If you have a message to pass along to your student, please be sure and call the office BEFORE 2:45 (1:45 on Friday) as we cannot assure the student message can be delivered after that time.
Track practice 3:30 @ JMS
Mini pizza
Fresh salad
Canned mixed fruit