Dates to Remember:
Application Launch - Monday, March 3
Kindergarten Registration - April 16-17 at Jefferson
Applications Due - Friday, April 25
Lottery and Families Informed - Week of April 28 - May 2
Preference at the time of the lottery will be given to applications received by the due date, with the signed Parent Commitment Form and to those who signed in and attended Kingergarden Registration at Jefferson Elementary.
Jefferson's DLI Program is Expanding! ¡El programa DLI de Jefferson se está expandiendo!
We will be adding a kindergarten cohort for the 25-26 school year! We will add an additional cohort each year until we have 96 students in each grade K-6.
¡Agregaremos uno cohorte de jardín de infantes para el año escolar 25-26! Agregaremos un grupo adicional cada año hasta que tengamos 96 estudiantes en cada grado K-6.
Applications due Friday, April 25th Solicitudes hasta el viernes 25
de abril
We are now accepting applications for the DLI Lottery! You can find the applications and Parent Commitment Form online at these links. Applications must be received by 3:00PM on Friday, April 25th.
¡Ahora estamos aceptando solicitudes para la Lotería DLI! Puede encontrar las solicitudes y el formulario de compromiso de los padres en línea en estos enlaces. Las solicitudes deben recibirse antes de las 3:00 p. m. del viernes 26 de abril.
Jerome School District DLI Kindergarten Application (English and Spanish)
Dual Immersion Parent Commitment (English and Spanish)