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Busing Information

Updated: Aug 19


  • Busing changes are occurring because of the redesign of the elementary school structures to neighborhood schools, so all buses no longer go to all schools.

  • The Jerome School District has and will continue to provide busing in excess of our legal requirements as a service to our students and the community.

  • It will shorten the length of time on the buses for many students

  • This plan should help traffic flow concerns particularly at Summit, JMS, and JHS

  • Students, provided that we have room, can be picked up and dropped off at existing stops to help us increase safety and reduce longer walks. Buses will not deviate from their routes and designated pickup /dropoff locations.

  • All buses stop at Jerome High school and Jerome Middle School but buses now only run in town primarily to their zoned elementary schools.

  • Please see the attached map for a visual breakdown of pickup and drop offs.

  • Teacher's children can get on a bus at school to be transported to other schools provided the existing route goes there.


Safety Busing:

We also have safety zone stops in the following areas with pickups:

  • Southwest quadrant for all students

  • Southeast quadrant for MS students

  • North of 16th Ave. for all students

  • Between N. Davis-N. Tiger & 4th Ave. East-Main St., for elementary to Frontier

For specific pickup times please contact Northside Bus at 208-324-4426


Current School Drop off and School Pick-up Times


7:30-7:40 drop off at JHS

7:40-7:45 drop off at JMS

7:50-7:55 drop off at first elementary stop

8:00 drop off at second elementary stop

*FCA students will be handled on an individual basis

Bus Patterns

Frontier Zone:

Buses pickup students-->Drop at JHS--> JMS--> Jefferson--> Frontier

Horizon Zone

Buses pickup students-->Drop at JHS--> JMS--> Horizon--> Jefferson

Summit Zone

Buses pickup students-->Drop at JHS--> Summit including MS--> Jefferson

M-Th Afternoon

3:05 Pick up at Jefferson

3:10 Pick up at 2nd elementary: Frontier, Horizon, or Summit

3:15-3:20-Pick up at JMS

3:25-3:30 Pick up at JHS

*See above for FCA

Fridqay Afternoon

2:05 Pick up at first elementary stop Jefferson

2:10 Pick up at second elementary stop Frontier, Horizon, Summit

2:15-2:20-Pick up at JMS

2:25-2:30 Pick up at JHS

In-Town Bus Stops
In-Town Bus Stops


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