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Jerome Joint School District No. 261

District-Owned Vehicles


Jerome Joint School District No. 261


District-Owned Vehicles

The District owns and maintains certain vehicles. Included among them are pickups, school buses and vans. Any

vehicles leased or rented by the district fall under the same guidelines for purposes of this policy. These are for use by properly authorized personnel of the District for District business purposes.

District-owned vehicles shall be used in accordance with all state and federal laws, rules and regulations of the

Idaho Department of Education, Jerome School District Board of Trustees, Superintendent of Schools or his/her

designee. Drivers of all district-owned vehicles will be properly licensed and shall receive training as determined

by District administration to be appropriate. The district may review drivers’ motor vehicle records at any time.

Any driver who receives a citation for a driving violation while operating a District vehicle shall personally pay all fines levied. All citations received while the driver is a District employee, whether operating a District vehicle, must be reported and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. The District reserves the right to review the complete driving history of an employee in determining disciplinary actions.

Health and Safety Protocols of District-Owned Vehicles

All users of vehicles owned and maintained by the District shall adhere to the cleaning and disinfection protocols

outlined by the District.

Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-1506 Inspection of school buses

IDAPA Transportation

IDAPA Maintenance Standards and Inspections

Other Reference: Idaho Department of Education, Idaho’s School Bus Driver Training

Classroom Curriculum

Policy History:

Adopted on:

August 7, 2024

Last Revised:

September 22, 2020

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