Policy Group
9000 School Facilities
Jerome Joint School District No. 261
Safety Program
The Board acknowledges the importance of safety for students, staff and others having business with the District.
Safety education, accident prevention and proper supervision are important as protective measures and means to
promote a culture of safety awareness.
The District will participate in the prosecution of any individual(s) who may disturb any school or school meetings, insult or abuse any school employee or student during the course of the school/work day, or otherwise violate the laws of the State of Idaho regarding school disturbance or individual protection for school employees or students.
It shall be the Superintendent’s responsibility to execute this program. The Superintendent may delegate this
responsibility to other staff members.
Legal Reference: I.C. § 33‐512 Governance of schools
Policy History:
Adopted on: 12/19/06
Revised on: