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Policy Group

3000 Students

Jerome Joint School District No. 261


Student Vehicle Parking Application

_______________________________ _________________ ______________________________________________

Student Name (please print) Age School Grade

_______________________________ _______________________ ____________________________________

Student Address City Zip Code

Vehicle Make Model Year

License Plate No. Name of Car Owner

____ Copy of Student Driver’s License Received

____ Copy of Vehicle Registration Received

____ Copy of Vehicle Proof of Insurance Received

I certify, by my signature below, that the above information is true. I agree that my being able to operate and to

park a vehicle on school property is a privilege conditioned on my willingness to have that vehicle subject to search

by school authorities at any time the vehicle is on school property when, in the judgement of the building

administrator, a reasonable suspicion of a violation of Idaho law or District policies or rules exists. I also

understand that it is my responsibility to obey the speed limit on school grounds, to operate the car safely going to

and from school and school events, to park in designated areas, and to maintain legally required insurance on the

vehicle. Finally, I understand that any violation of this agreement or other school rules can lead to the revocation

of all parking privileges. I further understand that motor vehicles in violation of the District’s Student Vehicle

Parking policy may be subject to towing. I am aware of the district’s searches and seizure policy.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Student Signature Date

I, the parent/legal guardian of _____________________________________ hereby verify the information supplied above and understand and agree with the rules pertaining to the operation of a vehicle by

students of the District.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Policy History:

Adopted on: 03/15/2016

Revised on: 09/26/2017

Revised on: 11/26/2019

Policy History:

Adopted on:

March 15, 2016

Last Revised:

February 20, 2025 at 4:59:40 PM

District & School Report Cards



Tel: 123-456-7890

Correo electrónico:

500 Terry Francois Street

San Francisco, CA 94158

District Plans/Notices

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