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Jerome Joint School District No. 261



Jerome Joint School District No. 261



Homework can be a constructive tool in the teaching/learning process when geared to the needs and abilities of

students and tied to the curriculum. Students should be given homework only when there’s a reasonable

likelihood that a particular assignment will be beneficial to most of them. Educators need to always ask the

question, “Is the homework really helping students learn as supported by valid modern research, or is it indirectly

punishing those students who don’t have much help at home. As an extension of the classroom, homework must

be planned and organized, must be viewed as purposeful to the students; and feedback to the students should be

given in a timely manner.

Teachers may give homework to students to aid in the student’s educational development. The homework should

be differentiated for students and align with the research on good pedagogical practices, and not historical

practices. Homework should be an application, extension or adaptation of a classroom experience, and should not

be assigned for disciplinary purposes.

Policy History:

Adopted on: February 27, 2007

Revised on:

Policy History:

Adopted on:

February 27, 2007

Last Revised:

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