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Policy Group

2000 Instruction

Jerome Joint School District No. 261


Nutrition Education

Quality nutrition education should be presented creatively and be grade appropriate builds knowledge and skills

throughout the child’s school experience. It addresses factual information and explores the health, social,

cultural, and personal issues influencing food choices. Nutrition and nutrition education are recognized as

important contributors to overall health.

Comprehensive nutrition education programs extend beyond the classroom into the larger school environment.

The school cafeteria serves as a laboratory where students apply critical thinking skills taught in the classroom.

Physical education programs, after-school sports, and school health services are appropriate avenues for

nutrition education efforts. Students need to explore how:

1. Knowledge has purpose and meaning in their lives; and

2. Curriculum points to the connections within and across disciplines.

Examples of how nutrition can be integrated into classes include discussing ethnic food practices in the context

of history and geography; preparation of healthy food in home economics, adult living, or life skills courses; the

study of essential nutrients in science and biology classes; applying mathematical and technological skills to

conduct dietary analysis; and addressing the wide range of social, cultural, and psychological aspects of food in

language and social studies classrooms.

The District has a comprehensive curriculum approach to nutrition in kindergarten through grade 12. All

instructional staff are encouraged to integrate nutritional themes into daily lessons when appropriate. The

health benefits of good nutrition should be emphasized. These nutritional themes include but are not limited to:

1. Knowledge of My Plate;

2. Healthy choices to decrease illness;

3. Sources and variety of foods;

4. Guide to a healthy diet;

5. Diet and disease;

6. Understanding calories and food as energy;

7. Healthy snacks;

8. Healthy breakfast;

9. Healthy diet;

10. Food labels;

11. Major nutrients;

12. Multicultural influences;

13. Serving sizes by age, sex, and activity level;

14. Proper sanitation;

15. Importance of fluid intake and selection; and

16. Identifying and limiting low nutrition food.

The District nutrition policy reinforces nutrition education to help students practice these themes in a supportive

school environment.

All nutrition education will be scientifically based, consistent with the most recent Dietary Guidelines for


Nutrition education will be offered in the school cafeteria as well as in the classroom, with coordination between

school food service staff and teachers. Teachers can display posters, videos, websites, etc. on nutrition topics and

send materials home to involve parents.

Participation in USDA nutrition programs is encouraged as the District conducts nutrition education activities and

promotions that involve students, parents, and the community. The District nutrition team will be responsible for

these activities.

School Community

For a truly comprehensive approach to the school-based nutrition programs and services, it is crucial that all

members of the school community help to create an environment that supports healthy eating practices.

Administrators, teachers, school food service and other personnel; parents; and students need to be involved in

this effort. Decisions made in all school programming need to reflect and encourage positive nutrition messages

and healthy food choices. This includes coordination of nutrition education with the cafeteria and the promotion

of healthy food choices in the cafeteria and all school events, such as fundraisers.

Schools should encourage parents to pack healthy lunches and snacks and to refrain from including beverages and foods that do not meet the District’s nutrition standards for individual foods and beverages. Schools will also

encourage the use of foods that comply with Smart Snacks in Schools standards for any school celebrations

involving food. The District will provide parents a list of foods that meet the District’s snack standards and ideas for

healthy celebrations/parties, rewards, and fundraising activities.

Cross Reference: 2305 Nutrition Services

2310 Nutrition Education

2315 Physical Activity Opportunities and Education

4180 Community Involvement in Student Nutrition and Exercise

7310 Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancements

8200 Local School Wellness

8210 District Nutrition Committee

8230 District Nutrition Standards

8235 Water Consumption/Water Bottle Policy

8240 School Meals

8250 Guidelines for Food and Beverages Sales

Legal Reference:

42 U.S. Code § 1758b Section 204 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

7 C.F.R. § 210.11 Competitive Food Service and Standards

7 C.F.R. § 210.12 Student, Parent, and Community Involvement

7 C.F.R. § 210.31 Local School Wellness Policy

I.C. § 33-512 District Trustees – Governance of Schools

Other References: Smart Snacks in School Regulations by the United States Department of Agriculture

Policy History:

Adopted on: 02/28/2017

Revised on: 03/15/2022

Revised on: 10/25/2022

Policy History:

Adopted on:

February 28, 2017

Last Revised:

February 20, 2025 at 5:02:23 PM

District & School Report Cards



Tel: 123-456-7890

Correo electrónico:

500 Terry Francois Street

San Francisco, CA 94158

District Plans/Notices

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