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Jerome Joint School District No. 261

Health Enhancement


Jerome Joint School District No. 261


Health Enhancement

Health, family life and sex education, including information about parts of the body, reproduction and related

topics, shall be included in the instructional program as appropriate to the grade level and course of study. The

instructional approach shall be developed after consultation with parents and other community representatives.

Parents may ask to review the materials to be used and may request that their child be excluded from sex

education class sessions without prejudice.

Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-1608 et seq. Family life and sex education – Legislative policy

IDAPA Health Standards

Policy History:

Adopted on: 02/27/2007

Revised on: 02/28/2017

Policy History:

Adopted on:

February 27, 2007

Last Revised:

February 28, 2017

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