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Jerome Joint School District No. 261

Procedure for Handling Body Fluids that have the Potential of Transmitting Infectious Diseases.


Jerome Joint School District No. 261


Procedure for Handling Body Fluids that have the Potential of Transmitting Infectious Diseases.

The following are guidelines and procedures for cleaning up and removal of body fluids that have the potential of

transmitting infectious diseases.

1. all reasonable precautions must be taken to avoid direct contact with blood, blood products, excretions,

secretions or other body fluids.

2. extraordinary care must be taken to avoid accidental wounds with materials which may be contaminated

with blood.

3. in accidents where inanimate objects become contaminated with blood or other body fluids, clean and

disinfect them immediately.

4. wear disposable latex gloves when treating students or other personnel and discard them in a garbage

bag following each incident.

5. paper towels will be used to wipe body fluids from an individual and discarded in a garbage bag.

6. wear latex gloves when cleaning body fluids from inanimate objects.

7. mops will be used to clean up body fluids from inanimate objects.

8. disinfect immediately following each incident.

9. inanimate objects may be dried with a towel which is to be cleaned regularly.

10. students shall use only their own clothing and it will be cleaned on a regular basis.

11. hands should be washed with soap and hot water immediately after the cleaning of body fluids.

12. towels are to be washed and sterilized after each usage.

13. latex gloves are to be worn when using towels to dry inanimate objects.

14. when cleaning blood or other body fluids on students, use latex disposable gloves and paper towels.

15. only designated personnel should clean body fluids from inanimate objects.

16. sufficient materials and equipment shall be available at all times.

17. athletic trainers/coaches with bleeding or oozing skin conditions should refrain from all direct athletic

care until the condition resolves.

18. contaminated towels should be properly disposed of or disinfected.

19. follow acceptable guidelines in the immediate control of bleeding and when handling body dressings,

mouth guards and other articles containing body fluids.

The Idaho High School Activities Association provides extensive documentation of proper methods for handling

wounds, blood and other potential methods for transmitting infectious diseases. The Districts Activities Director

will share this information in a timely way with all staff members in need of direction. If you are in a position where

you might implement this policy, then you must familiarize yourself with the policy and all guidelines provided you

to insure proper implementation of this policy.

Special guidelines for wrestling:

1. Officials are not expected to clean body fluids.

2. Coaches are encouraged to follow the guidelines listed on the previous page.

3. At least one mop and one mop bucket will be provided for every two mats.

4. Sufficient disposable towels and disposable latex gloves are to be provided for each activity.

5. If bleeding cannot be stopped or it keeps starting after short intervals, disqualification is


Legal Reference: I.C. § 33‐512(7)

Policy History:

Adopted on: 04/28/09

Revised on:

Policy History:

Adopted on:

April 28, 2009

Last Revised:

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