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Board of Trustees Agenda

January 28, 2025 6:00 p.m. Regular Session

Administrative Complex Board Room

Board of Trustees: Zone 1 Liz Bingham, Zone 2 Peter Gibbons, Zone 3 Jeff Schroeder,

Zone 4 Annette Lott, Zone 5 Staci Leavitt

Superintendent Brent Johnson, Assistant Superintendent Ryan Evans,

Business Manager Brian Bridwell, District Clerk Jodi Stewart

“The Jerome School Board of Education is committed to supporting students’ need to graduate from high school equipped with the character, skills and knowledge to successfully enter work or postsecondary training. “

Board of Trustees present: Zone 1 Liz Bingham, Zone 2 Peter Gibbons (arrived at 6:07pm), Zone 3 Jeffrey Schroeder, Zone 4 Annette Lott, Zone 5 Staci Leavitt.  Others present: Superintendent Brent Johnson, Business Manager Brian Bridwell, District Clerk Jodi Stewart, Federal Programs Director Kim Lickley, Technology Director Tyler Wardle community members, teachers and staff.

  1. Call to Order 6:00 p.m. 

    1. Pledge of Allegiance (Annette Lott)

    2. Waive reading of the minutes of the previous board meeting as submitted to each board member.

    3. Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to waive the reading of the minutes of the previous board meeting and approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Jerome School District Presentations:

    1. Excellence in Education Staff Awards

      1. Certified Secondary: Cheryl Lindquist from JMS

      2. Certified Elementary: Shiloh Clark from Horizon

      3. Classified: Carmen Chavez from Jefferson

  1. Annual Business Meeting

Superintendent Brent Johnson assumed control of the Annual Meeting at 6:11 p.m., and called for nominations for Board Chairman.

  1. Election of Board Chairs

    1. Chairman

Liz Bingham nominated Staci Leavitt as Board Chairman, the nomination was seconded by Jeff Schroeder. No other nominations were made. Staci Leavitt was approved as Board Chairman by the following Vote:

Aye: Liz Bingham

Peter Gibbons

Jeff Schroeder

Annette Lott

Chairman Staci Leavitt assumed control of the Annual Meeting, and called for nominations for Board Vice-Chairman.

  1. Vice-Chairman

Annette Lott nominated Liz Bingham as Vice-Chairman, the nomination was seconded by Peter Gibbons. No other nominations were made. Liz Bingham was approved as Vice-Chairman by the following Vote:

Aye: Staci Leavitt

Peter Gibbons

Jeff Schroeder

Annette Lott.

  1. Appointments

    1. Board Clerk - Jodi Stewart

    2. Treasurer - Brian Bridwell

    3. Deputy Treasurers

      1. Ryan Evans - Assistant Superintendent/Curriculum Director

      2. Kim Lickley – Federal Programs Director

      3. Toni Harbaugh – Special Education Director

        1. Lorie Lancaster – Special Education Secretary

      4. Barbara Brown - Frontier Elementary School Principal

        1. Anne Jackson – Jefferson Elementary School Secretary

      5. Jill Taylor - Horizon Elementary School Principal

        1. Jennifer Heath - Horizon Elementary School Secretary

      6. Angie Brulotte - Jefferson Elementary Principal

        1. Guillemina Pascual - Jefferson Elementary School Secretary

      7. Cliff Creek – Summit Elementary School Principal

        1. Yolanda Vergara – Summit Elementary School Secretary

      8. Nicole Ferreira – Jerome Middle School Principal

        1. Sherri Powell – Jerome Middle School Secretary

      9. Nathan Tracy – Jerome High School Principal

        1. Becky Long – Jerome High School Secretary

      10. Stacey Demers-McFarland - Falls City Academy Principal

        1. Leticia Cervantes – Falls City Academy Secretary

      11. Gina Cakebread - Human Resource Director

      12. James Fultz – Maintenance Director

      13. Child Nutrition Director Griselda Duarte

      14. Donjua Day - Accounts Payable Clerk

      15. Laila Ramirez Martinez - Payroll Clerk

    4. Title VII Coordinator – Gina Cakebread, Human Resources Director

    5. Title IX Coordinator – Kim Lickley, Jerome Federal Program Director

    6. Public Records Coordinator - Jodi Stewart, District Clerk

    7. Depository of District Funds – DL Evans Bank and LGIP (Local Government Investment Pool)

    8. School Attorneys

      1. Rob Williams, Williams Meservy & Lothspeich

      2. Holinka Law, P.C.- Jill Holinka, Attorney at Law

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to approve the appointments of Lorri Prescott as Clerk, Brian Bridwell as Treasure, Deputy Treasurers, Title VII Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator, and Public Records Coordinator, the Depository of District Funds and School Attorneys as listed, for the year, January 2025 through January 2026. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Establish 2025 Meeting Schedule and Location

The Chairperson announced that the next order of business would be the establishment of a schedule of the regular meetings of the Board of Trustee for the ensuing year. After a full and complete discussion, upon motion duly made by Annette Lott and seconded by Liz Bingham, the following resolution was presented: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Jt. Jerome School District No. 261 hereby designates that the regular meetings of said Board of Trustees shall be held for the purpose of conducting business commencing at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month, with the exception of March 18th, November 18th and December 16th, and continuing through January 2026, at the District Office Board Room, 125 4th Avenue West. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this designation of regular meeting shall continue in force through January of 2026, unless modified by action of the Board of Trustees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is instructed to conspicuously post written notice of this designation of regular meeting at the School District Administrative Offices and as courtesy posting: at least two (2) or more public buildings within the boundaries of the School District. The resolution passed by the following Vote:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Designation of Public Places for Posting Public Notices

A motion was made by Annette Lott and seconded by Liz Bingham to designate the following locations for the posting of public notices: 1. School District Administrative Offices, 125 4th Avenue West; 2. Jerome School District web page:; and as courtesy postings: 1. Jerome County Courthouse, 300 North Lincoln; 2. Jerome Public Library, 100 1st Avenue East; and 3. Jerome Recreation, 2032 South Lincoln. The motion passed by the following Vote:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

Board Chairman Staci Leavitt ended the Annual Meeting at 6:20 p.m.

  1. Consent Agenda (Action) 

    1. Approval of Previous Minutes

      1. Regular Meeting December 17, 2024

    2. Financial Report

      1. Cash Report

        1. Reconciliation Report

      2. Accrual Report

        1. Revenue and Expense Summary

        2. Balance Sheet

      3. Building Financial Reports

        1. Jefferson Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

        2. Frontier Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

        3. Horizon Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

        4. Summit Elementary School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

        5. Jerome Middle School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

        6. Jerome High School -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

        7. Falls City Academy – Reconciliation – Check Register – Balance Sheet

        8. Special Services -- Reconciliation -- Check Register -- Balance Sheet

    3. Personnel Changes 2024-25

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Peter Gibbons to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Scheduled Visitors (Information) There are no scheduled visitors for the January meeting.

  2. Audience of Citizens

Community Member Bryan Craig spoke to Agenda Item: Superintendent Report, Sixth (6th) Grade Transition.  He gave his report on behalf of the Community Parent Guiding Coalition that met to discuss the topic.

Community Member Benjamin Bell spoke on Agenda Items: Request For Proposal (RFP) for Food Service and Request for Proposal (RFP) for Maintenance.  He requested that the Trustees not approve the requests.

  1. Correspondence to the Board

    1. Trustee committee reports: The board shared information about their monthly school visits and gave their individual committee reports.

  2. Reports to the Board (Information)

    1. Superintendent:

      1. Teacher Leadership Team Update

      2. Shared Goals/Board Reports

      3. Sixth Grade Transition:  Superintendent Johnson made the recommendation to not make any changes to the 6th grade placement.

  3. Approval of Bills

    1. Bills Approval

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Peter Gibbons to approve the bills as presented. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Board Business

    1. Continuing Business

      1. Policies

        1. 2000 Series (3rd Reading Action)

        2. Policy 2320 Health Enhancement Education (2nd Reading Action)

        3. Policy 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom (2nd Reading Action)

        4. Policy 2340F Parental Opt-Out Form for Sex Education (2nd Reading Action)

        5. Policy 2530 Learning Materials Review & Reconsideration (2nd Reading Action)

        6. Policy 2530F Request for Review & Reconsideration of Learning Materials (2nd Reading Action)

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to approve Policies 2000 Series, 2320, 2340, 2340F 2530 and 2530F as presented. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Policy 3265 Student Owned Electronic Communication Devices (2nd Reading Action)

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annetee Lott to approve Policy 3265 with the amendment of excluding #4 During passing periods; Students are permitted to use cell phones in the following times and places. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. New Business

    1. Policies (Information)

      1. 3000 Series (First Reading - Information)

      2. Policy 1000 Legal Status and Operation (First Reading - Information)

      3. Policy 2700 High School Graduation Requirements (First Reading - Information)

      4. Policy 2700P High School Graduation Requirements(First Reading - Information)

      5. Policy 2710 High School Graduation Requirements - Specialty Diplomas (First Reading - Information)

      6. Policy 3040 Compulsory Attendance (First Reading - Information)

      7. Policy 3220 Student Use of Buildings: Equal Access (First Reading - Information)

      8. Policy 3003 School Boundaries (First Reading - Information)

    2. Consideration of Jerome High School New Course Request for 2025-26 SY  Phlebotomy and EKG Technician

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded Peter Gibbons to approve Jerome High Schools New Course Request, Phlebotomy and EKG Technician.  The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Consideration of Jerome High School New Science Course Sequence Request for 2025-26 SY

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded Annette Lott to approve the Jerome High Schools new Science Course Sequence Request.  The motion failed by the following:

Nae: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded Annette Lott to table the Jerome High Schools new Science Course Sequence Request.  The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Consideration of Special Education Department contract with Small Talk Pediatric Therapy

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded Annette Lott to approve the Special Education Department Contract with Small Talk Pediatric Therapy. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Approval of Jerome High School/Jerome Middle School FFA Out of State Travel FFA Invitational

  2. Approval of Jerome High School/Jerome Middle School FFA Out of State Travel World Ag Expo

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded Peter Gibbons to approve both Jerome High School/Jerome Middle School FFA Out of State Travel Requests to the World Ag Expo in Tulare California and to the Northern Utah FFA Invitational in Tremonton Utah.  The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Approval of Student Transportation Fleet Proposal

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded Peter Gibbons to approve the Student Transportation Fleet Proposal. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Approval to proceed with Request for Proposal (RFP) for Food Service

  2. Approval to proceed with Request for Proposal (RFP) for Maintenance

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to approve the request to proceed with the Request for Proposals (RFP) for both Food Service and Maintenance. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Review of proposed 2025-2026 Academic Calendar

A motion was made by Annette Lott and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to approve the proposed 2025-2026 Academic Calendar. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Approval of Glenn Eagle Property Lots Sale Results

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Peter Gibbons to approve the Glenn Eagle Property Lots Sale Results. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Review of Summer School 2025 (Information)

  2. Declaration that an area of need exists for the 2024-2025 SY in the schools and departments as listed.

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott to declare that an area of need exists for the 2024-25 school year in the schools and departments as listed. Alternative Authorization Content Specialist, Teacher to New Endorsement, Pupil Service Certifications: Silvana Dice - Alternative Authorization Content Specialist, Frontier Elementary 5th Grade Teacher The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Board Advocacy Collaborative Letter Regarding Vouchers (Information):  The Trustees discussed writing a letter to the legislators regarding their stance and concerns on school vouchers.

  1. Agenda Planning (Information)

  1. Special Meeting/Work Session Date Discussion:  The Trustees agreed to two (2) upcoming dates for Special Meetings/Work Sessions.

  1. Executive Session (Action)

    1. IC 74-206(1)(b)(d) – Personnel or Student.(b)To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent or public school student; and (d) to consider records that are exempt from disclosure as provided in Chapter 1, Title 74, Idaho Code.

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Annette Lott that the Board of Trustees of Jt. Jerome School District #261 recess into executive session in the manner and for the purpose authorized by Section 74-206(1)(b)(d), Idaho Code, regarding personnel issues involving employees or student issues involving students of the district. The motion passed by roll call vote: AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

The board recessed into executive session at 8:36 p.m. The board returned to open session at 9:56 p.m.

  1. Consideration of Personnel Executive Item(s)

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Jeff Schroeder to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Brent Johnson to execute a Reduction in Force (RIF) consisting of 17 Classified positions and 2.75 Certified positions. The motion passed by the following:

Nay: Staci Leavitt

AYE: Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Annette Lott

Peter Gibbons

  1. Consideration of Student Executive Item(s)

Per Idaho Code 33-205(3) the board considered three (3) student discipline issues and took action accordingly. Such action shall be documented in the students educational record and is confidential pursuant to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other applicable state and federal code and regulation provisions and parents and student were notified of the decision.

Student Discipline:


  1. T2425-12

  2. T2425-13

  3. T2425-14

  4. T2425-15

  5. T2425-16

  6. T2425-17

A motion was made by Liz Bingham and seconded by Peter Gibbons to approve the District Clerks Declaration of Truancy for six (6) students as presented. The motion passed by the following:

AYE: Staci Leavitt

Annette Lott

Liz Bingham

Jeff Schroeder

Peter Gibbons

  1. Adjourn: There being no other business before the board, Chairman Staci Leavitt adjourned the meeting at 9:57 p.m.

District & School Report Cards



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