History of DLI in Jerome
In August of 2014, a group of parents approached Jerome School District Leadership about the possibility of beginning a Dual Immersion program in Jerome. After much research, conducted by both parents and district leaders, a presentation was made to the Board of Trustees in the spring of 2015. Shortly thereafter, the Board gave the go-ahead to move forward with a Dual Language Immersion program. The Dual Language Immersion program started in Fall 2016 with Kindergarten and 1st grade and has expanded by a grade level each year. In Fall 2021, 6th grade was added and will expand Dual Language one grade level per year until 12th grade.

What is Dual Immersion?
Dual Immersion is a general education program that offers a rich bilingual experience for learners when their minds are developmentally best able to acquire a second language.
Classes include students that are both native English, and native Spanish speakers.
The program will be 50/50 K-5 – students receive instruction in both English and Spanish each day.
Elementary instruction is divided between two high quality, creative classrooms: one in English and one in Spanish. Students begin the day with instruction in one language, and then change teachers during the day for instruction in the other language with equal time in each language.
At the secondary level two subjects are taught by a high quality Spanish speaking teacher while the other courses are presented in English with their peers not in the Dual Language Immersion program.
Benefits of Dual Immersion (over multiple years)
Second Language Skills: Students achieve high proficiency in the immersion language (not just memorizing vocabulary, but being able to converse comfortably in that new language)
Cognitive Skills: Immersion students typically develop greater cognitive (thinking) flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem-solving skills as well as enhanced understanding of their primary language.
Cultural Competency: Immersion students are more aware of and generally show more positive attitudes towards other cultures and an appreciation of other people
Long Term Benefits: Immersion students are better prepared for the global community and job markets where 21st-century skills are an asset.
Where is the Jerome School Dual Immersion Program located?
K-3 is currently located at Jefferson Elementary. You do not have to live in the Jefferson boundaries in order to be a part of this program.
Grades 4 and 5 are located at Summit Elementary.
Grade 6 is at Jerome MIddle School.
How can I enroll my child in this program?
For students entering Kindergarten or 1st grade, pick up an application at any of the following locations:
Jefferson Elementary Office – 600 North Fillmore, Jerome, ID 83338
Horizon Elementary Office – 934 10th Ave E, Jerome, ID 83338
Jerome School District Office – 125 4th Ave W, Jerome, ID 83338 -
2nd - 8th grade: Parents/guardians may contact the building principal for their child to be considered for placement in the DLI program. The DLI team will take into consideration the student’s previous participation in a DLI program, and the student’s current academic performance, previous exposure to and fluency in the target language (Spanish). The student’s ability to comprehend, speak, read, and write should be at or near that of their immersion peers.