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Title I-C

Migrant Education Program

Title I-C Overview

The Migrant Education Program supports education programs for migrant students and families to reduce the impact of academic disruptions from repeated moves so that these students have the same opportunities as their less mobile peers. 

The law states that parents in Title I schools:

  • Must be a part of developing a written parent involvement policy that is distributed to all parents and to the local community and announced at an annual meeting.

  • Have a right to be involved in the planning and implementation of the parent involvement program in their school.

  • Can receive materials and training for parents and staff to foster greater parent involvement.

  • Must have the opportunity to jointly develop, with school staff, a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state's high standards.


In addition, parents have the right to know:

  • The qualifications of their child's teacher.

  • Information on the level of achievement of their child.

  • If their child is being taught by someone who is not "highly qualified" and will be in that position for 4 or more weeks.

  • The school's parent policy and have a right to have input in the decisions that are in the policy.

Jerome School District Migrant Liaisons


Connie Moncada

208-324-2392 ext 1180 or 208-320-2430


Patty Villavicencio

208-324-2392 ext 1151 or 208-521-0507

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Contact JSD

Tel: 208 324-2392

Fax: 208 324-7609

125 4th Avenue West

Jerome, Idaho 83338

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